You can simply, quickly and securely fund your trading account with a bank card. As a rule, bank cards have no restrictions on online payments, but please check the following information before using the card:
Whether it is possible to use the card to pay at online stores. Sometimes this type of transaction is closed by default until a corresponding request from the bank customer.
Whether additional codes are required to make a payment. Often internet payments require SMS confirmations.
Whether there are enough funds on your card to make a payment.
How to make a deposit?
Log in your Libertex account
Log in to Libertex terminal with your login and password.
Go to "My accounts" tab (or "Wallet" in Mobile version)
Choose the account you need to top up. Select "Fund account" or "Deposit" (depends on account type).
Specify the payment method
Payment method must be choosen in the deposit window.
Specify account and amount
Select the account to which you want to deposit money and the required amount.
Specify card details
Enter the card number, cardholder's name, expiration date and CVV security code.
Confirm the transaction
Confirm the payment using the one-time security code sent by the bank.
What you need to know about your bank card to make a payment
Card number of 16 digits.
Card expiration date.
Last name and First name of the cardholder in Latin letters.
The three-digit CVV security code, usually located on the back of the card.
If your card has no cardholder's name, then enter the cardholder's Name and Surname in Latin letters, as specified in the Agreement with the bank.