Libertex Portfolio is a new account type available on the Libertex platform. It enables users to invest in stocks without swaps or commission.
Libertex Portfolio is available in the following versions:
Libertex web version
Libertex mobile app (iOS, Android)
The key differences between Libertex Portfolio and Libertex are illustrated in the table below:
| Libertex Portfolio (long-term investment in stocks) | Libertex (active trading) |
Yield | Moderate | High |
Risk | Low | High |
Asset classes | Stocks | Forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, commodities, stocks, metals, oil and gas, ETFs |
Direction of trades | Buy (selling possible if you already own the asset) | Buy and sell |
Fractional shares | Yes (min. 0.01 shares) | Yes (from $20) |
Principle of trading | You buy and own the asset (shares) | Margin trading |
Leverage | Not supported | From 1 to 999, depending on the instrument |
Pending orders | No | Yes |
Paid dividends | Credited to account balance | Factored into financial result of trade |
Demo account | No | Yes |
Status levels | Statuses are not awarded for Libertex Portfolio accounts | Yes |
Key advantages of Libertex Portfolio over Libertex:
No commission on trades
No swaps (commission payable for holding a position overnight and into the next trading day)
No Margin Call or Stop Out
No obligatory Take Profit closing
No inactivity fees
Investors can purchase 0.01 shares (fractional shares)
Ideal for long-term investing